Knowing how deeply our lives intertwine...

Knowing how deeply our lives intertwine,
We vow not to kill.

Knowing how deeply our lives intertwine,
We vow not to take what is not given.

Knowing how deeply our lives intertwine,
We vow not to engage in abusive relationships.

Knowing how deeply our lives intertwine,
We vow to not speak falsely or deceptively.

Knowing how deeply our lives intertwine,
We vow to not harm self or other through
poisonous thoughts or substance.

Knowing how deeply our lives intertwine,
We vow to not dwell on past errors.

Knowing how deeply our lives intertwine,
We vow to not possess any thing or form of life

Knowing how deeply our lives intertwine,
We vow to not harbor ill will toward any plant, animal, or
human being.

Knowing how deeply our lives intertwine,
We vow to not abuse the great truth of Three Treasures.*

Stephanie Kaza, Woman Prayers, edited by Mary Ford-Grabowsky: HarperSanFrancisco, 2003

(*In Buddhism the three treasures are, Buddha, the teachings (dharma), and community (sangha).


revhipchick said…
beautiful. thanks for sharing it with us.

what a wonderful and heavenly place this would be if only we would (could?) live like that. perhaps it's about time that we actually try.

thanks again, mompriest.
kdoyle said…
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Anonymous said…
Just catching up with blogs...hope you're doing okay.

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