670 and other thoughts

This is my 670th post on this blog, which I started on Sept. 11 2006. Just thought you'd like to know that statistic.

I have had an unusually busy week beginning with the Gathering of Leaders conference that I attended in Scottsdale. It was a great conference and I look forward to writing up my notes and a reflection on it. But first things first.

Today I have to Officiate at a wedding in Tucson for a delightful young couple. It will be a fairly fancy affair for this area. I look forward to that. Then tomorrow morning bright and early I hop in the car with Ollie, the giant puppy, to drive to Chicago where I will return him to his mom, my daughter.

So, travelling prayers please, that I can manage this drive to and from Chicago (3600 miles round trip) safely and without incident. Twitter me while I'm on the road or call if you know my number. I may need help staying awake...While in Chicago I'll see a few friends and family but I can't do much in just three days....

And I'll write about that conference when I return.


look fab tonight! drive safely... i couldn't remember when you were leaving and feared it was during all that rain the last few days... eek!
Sherry said…
Take care and have a safe and pleasant trip. What an accomplishment 670 posts!
Lori said…
Traveling mercies! If you get sleepy, pump up the heavy metal or some good country!!

Prayers for surprises of blessings for you.
Jennifer said…
Traveling mercies....
Jan said…
Have fun (and joy) tonight. Safe travels ahead.
Karla Miller said…
traveling strength, joy and love!! wish I could meet the GIANT puppy.
revhipchick said…
670! that's amazing! you are amazing!

traveling mercies and many prayers for you while you drive.
altar ego said…
more traveling mercies for you! May your time on the road bring opportunities for mirth, thoughtfulness, rest and inspiration.
zorra said…
Travel safely! Wave as you pass Texas!
Barbara B. said…
670 is impressive! Looking forward to hearing about the conference.

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