Lifesving or Lifegiving Moments in Life: A Friday Five Meme

KathrynZJ offers this Friday Five Meme over at RevGals.

1) Your lifesaving food/beverage. Oh....most mornings it is a goooood cup of coffee. But sometimes it is that afternoon pick me up cup of tea. Other times it might be a glass of red wine. But as a general rule I drink a lot of lifegiving water, iced or not, depending on the weather.

2) Your lifesaving article of clothing. Some call it a dog-collar. I heard one person call it a bandit-collar. For me though, the clerical collar I wear has been a lifegiving symbol of my ministry. I don't need to wear "the collar" to feel like or priest or remember that I am one. But I wear it with a deep sense of gratitude for that which God has done in my life. The collar is a clear symbol of the ministry I do and love. I love what I have been called to do even though it can be really hard life draining work. When I wear the collar people know who I am and what I am there for, whether it is visiting someone in the hospital or officiating at a wedding or leading worship in church. I do tend to get a few second looks in the grocery store....

3) Your lifesaving movie/book/tv show/music. Dixie Chicks "Despite Our Differences" love that CD.

4) Your lifesaving friend. I have a couple: Kathryn, Joanne, Jeanette, on any given day, not necessarily in that order.

5) Your lifesaving moment. hum. my baptism at the age of nine. kneeling while the minister laid hands on my head and my new husband and prayed a blessing for our marriage - truly I will never forget that sense that the Holy Spirit was present. My marriage has been life saving and life giving - but by no means rosy. The births of each of my children - definitely.


Auntie Knickers said…
Interesting thoughts here. In my denomination very few ministers wear the collar, but I have known a couple of women who did, for different reasons. Yours make a lot of sense.
I feel the same way about my collar.

Of course, some days I think about a TEC seminary friend who preached on it once and commented: "God knew some of us needed a collar--and a leash!"
Rev Dr Mom said…
I love what you said about wearing the collar! Me, too.
MumPastor said…
In my denomination, in the area where I pastor, no one wears the collar. It is seen as a sign of "stuffiness". Sigh. I was required to wear one while interning at a nursing home in seminary. I liked it, for just the reasons you state. Once I am fully ordained, I might start wearing one again as well.

Great play!
revkjarla said…
what a beautiful friday five! I love your thoughtfulness.
Jan said…
I loved reading about your baptism.

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