Monday Morning Musings

This is one of those days in Southern Arizona when the wind is howling. It blows up from the west/southwest. Wide open spaces, one of the aspects I love about this area, also enable the wind to roar across the space. The winds kick up dust and sand. The winds shake and rattle the rafters of the house, creating escalating howls over a constant low pitched hum.

What to do today? I thought I'd go for a bike ride, a long one. But the wind may make that impossible. Unless I want to be blown hinder and yon.

I have three big dogs, at the moment, and two of them are vying for the upper hand - the weimaraner one year old and 7 year old vizsla. They are cousins, genetically by breed, and have very similar personality characteristics. It's alternately funny and annoying. They spar. They do a lot of licking of each others mouths - some parental dominate thing, I think. They run through my small house attached to one another causing havoc along the way. They are noisy.

So, noise. A lot of noise in my environment today. Wind and dogs. And a mind that won't stop. My mind wakes me up at night as my unconscious self wrestles with the state my life is in right now. My sleeping pattern is off, a few hours here and there. It might be this way because of hormones. It could be other stuff.

Next week I may make a second trip to Chicago. To return my daughter's dog and to take my son back for a traffic court appearance. Yes, he got a speeding ticket while there over the summer. THAT will be an expensive 5 minutes in traffic school...sigh. Not to mention another long drive there and back.

It will be good, though, to get this puppy home. My daughter misses her dog. He misses her, and the household needs to return to some sense of normalcy.

The rest of my week includes:

a trip to the motor vehicles to get the title for a car we just bought - a 2000 Blazer. A truck really.

then a trip to Goodyear to get new tires and a battery for the truck.

a few doctor appt's

lunch with the rector of a church I'm going to be working for temporarily. It's unpaid ie non-stip, but an altar to serve and a place to preach on occasion. It's a great little place, looking forward to being there. More on that later...

and hopefully some bike riding. Or a lot of bike riding.

If the wind ever stops...


Anonymous said…
I wish we could have coffee together!! It would be a treat in an otherwise dreary day - very cloudy here, but cool, which is a refreshing change.
Rev SS said…
Yay! I'm so glad to hear you have a place to serve in this interim time. May it be a nourishing, healing experience!
Lori said…
If you get to ridin' a long way, you can ride out here and we'll feed you dinner!
revkjarla said…
I would love to meet for coffee, too.
prayers for you in the wakefulness of the night.
Grace thing said…
When I wake up in the night, I'll send a prayer your way. Wind and dogs. I like that. Sounds like the beginning of a country western song :)
revhipchick said…
praying for and missing you!
I know what that stress-disturbed sleep is like. I find that if I exercise about between four and six in the evening, it really helps with that. It also helps me fall asleep, because exercise makes your body temp rise and then it starts to fall a few hours later . . . just when it should be falling to prepare you for sleep.

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