RevGals Friday Five: Special Days
Sophia over at RevGals has an exciting weekend ahead, which has her thinking of the special rites of passage in our lives which we participate for ourselves or in which we support and bless others: baptism, confirmation, marriage, ordination, graduation, funerals, etc. Such important days, so exciting and joyous, but also sometimes anxiety provoking or deeply painful....So, this week, please share five memories of such sacred moments with God and her holy people from your life and the lives of those you love.
1. Here is one that I just wrote about: On my 51st birthday my family and I went to a sushi restaurant in the suburbs of Chicago. We had so much fun, laughing and eating. My gifts that night were all Japanese - a tea pot, a set of handleless cups, and tea. They are beautiful.
I barely had a chance to use them, here, after we moved. It was late winter, spring actually in the desert. So, for the most part they remained in their respective boxes in the cupboard.
I did use them last winter, almost every night. Sometimes while watching TV, sometimes while reading by the fire. Always with a sense of love, given by my family.
Now, tonight, it is cool enough to use them again. Along with Tension Tamer tea. Because unlike last winter, which had more than its fair share of tension, this winter will have probably have even more.
2. The day each of my children were born. I'll spare you the details.
3. The day my twin god daughters were born. The mom had been on bedrest for two months, a high risk pregnancy. Some of you may remember the story of their birth, the snow storm I drove through to get to the hospital, the all nighter we pulled, keeping mom comfortable, the intensity of those final hours, and then the births. I was in the birthing room, helping all along the way. Yes. Awesome.
Me, resting in the hospital about 4am...
The babies a few months afterward
4. The baptism of my god daughters - at a small church in Chicago by the Presiding Bishop herself. A totally awesome morning.
Me, the PB, and Baby Z.
5. Back in Chicago when I used to go to dog park with my dogs: Roxie and Ruby. Loved that dog park. It was many acres, a good 45 minute walk around, woods, lake, grasses. A great place to walk, think, pray, and enjoy my dogs.
1. Here is one that I just wrote about: On my 51st birthday my family and I went to a sushi restaurant in the suburbs of Chicago. We had so much fun, laughing and eating. My gifts that night were all Japanese - a tea pot, a set of handleless cups, and tea. They are beautiful.
I barely had a chance to use them, here, after we moved. It was late winter, spring actually in the desert. So, for the most part they remained in their respective boxes in the cupboard.
I did use them last winter, almost every night. Sometimes while watching TV, sometimes while reading by the fire. Always with a sense of love, given by my family.
Now, tonight, it is cool enough to use them again. Along with Tension Tamer tea. Because unlike last winter, which had more than its fair share of tension, this winter will have probably have even more.
2. The day each of my children were born. I'll spare you the details.
3. The day my twin god daughters were born. The mom had been on bedrest for two months, a high risk pregnancy. Some of you may remember the story of their birth, the snow storm I drove through to get to the hospital, the all nighter we pulled, keeping mom comfortable, the intensity of those final hours, and then the births. I was in the birthing room, helping all along the way. Yes. Awesome.

4. The baptism of my god daughters - at a small church in Chicago by the Presiding Bishop herself. A totally awesome morning.

5. Back in Chicago when I used to go to dog park with my dogs: Roxie and Ruby. Loved that dog park. It was many acres, a good 45 minute walk around, woods, lake, grasses. A great place to walk, think, pray, and enjoy my dogs.

Ruby and Roxie...LOVE THEM..
and the twins, too!!