
The light slants from the south
casting shadows in its wake
startling the afternoon
- a breath of brilliance
before the final
sigh -
and the sun falls
into darkness

Daylight comes late and leaves early
dark more than light,
and yet,
busyness takes over
calling out You must!

while inside
my soul whispers
be still
for just a
be still.


Just wanted to say that I love the new picture!
Anonymous said…
beautiful poetic description of the tension of advent. thank you
Gannet Girl said…
Beautiful, May you find some Thanksgiving peace today.
Lovely. Peace to you.
Sherry said…
Just moseying around the blogs today trying to recharge my emotional engine. So very glad I stopped here Mompriest. Your words are so soothing. Lovely piece indeed. Blessings and happy holidays!

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