A Friday Five RevGals Meme: New Year Prayer

Sally over at RevGals offers this Friday Five:

1. What will you gladly leave behind in 2009? Almost every aspect of my life in 2009 was a challenge: health - mine and family members; employment - mine and family members; subsequently finances were challenged; conflict in some key arenas too...overall 2009 will go down as my least favorite year ever. Will there be lessons learned and something gained from all this? Only time will tell.

2. What is the biggest challenge of 2010 for you? Employment and a move...OR a move, employment and another move? OR worse, a move and no employment. Hard to say what it will be.

3. Is there anything that you simply need to hand to God and say "all will be well, for you are with me"? Been working hard at that, handing God my anxiety over the above....lots of late night railing at God...and it's not just my life but that of a large number of people (ok women, actually women clergy) I know who are struggling with similar issues...leaves me wondering if there is a God does that God even care about what is happening to God's faithful, who are struggling to maintain faith?...

4. If you could only achieve one thing in 2010 what would it be? A good position...

5. Post a picture, poem or song that sums up your prayer for the year ahead....

Mysterious God, are you there, here?
If so, take notice of the suffering
and God,
Be God.


Praying with you for that position, and the tender love of Godde holding you close in the suffering.
I am not sure "hard year" even sums it up. Hope there is "lightness" in 2010.
Anonymous said…
You just always say "it" so well. 2010... it's gotta be better... where God is just always in our face... obvious... deliberate. You know y'all are in my prayers... every single day. (((((MP))))
Sally said…
Prayers that the good position will arrive sooner rather than later
Cathy said…
May your hopes be fulfilled in the New Year!
Barbara B. said…
You are one of the most 'authentic' people I know. I am wishing you the best in 2010.
Sue said…
So graciously said Mompriest. You've been through so much this past year. My prayer is that the coming year brings you so many blessings and so many answers to your questions. I've asked myself question #3 so many times this year.....
God have mercy....
*scrambling around*... let me grab the dark hershey bars with a touch of mint, a bottle of wine (oh i only have white sorry) and i'll be right there...

god's there, even when we suspect not... or else i'm in a heap of trouble.
I really must spend some time praying for you. I could have written that entire list myself, so BOY, do I understand.

Oh Lord...Help! Help us both, and may we be sustained until the path is clear.
revhipchick said…
i love your prayer.

i too hope and pray that all will be better sooner than later in 2010!
hip2b said…
Mompriest I am praying for you...and appreciate that in the midst of your awful year you have been present for so many, including me.
Rev SS said…
#3 ... so agree ... here's to a year that is filled with God's grace and peace for all of us!
realsarah said…
Mompriest, you will be in my prayers, as will so many of our RGBPs. I haven't known all of what you've been through in 2009, but I sure do hope 2010 is filled with hope and goodness, for you, and for us all.
Yolanda said…
I will pray taht you find what you seek.I hope you have a wonderful 2010.

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