Monday Morning Musings

Yesterday I preached and Presided at Back in the Saddle Church. it was not my best sermon - not bad - just could have used some more development. But as happens, sometimes, I was really busy last week. Seems everything I had to do in January landed on Sat. Jan. 23. I had the sermon to write and a reflection for the Ft blog, the Preacher Party to host, and a phone interview for a potential new call. Add to that some family drama with a 17 year old child (teenage years are synonymous with "drama"....). Still, the sermon was received well enough considering I suggested that we consider Christians, Jews, and Muslims as the body of God and that we focus our evangelism toward those who have no faith tradition. (Of, course that is a wide open field these days...the unchurched, or dechurched).

But mostly yesterday was a fun day at church. Lots of laughing and sidebar silliness between the clergy staff, the altar party, and even members of the congregation. It is a fun church, "Back in the Saddle," and so nice to worship with people who like one another, enjoy being together, and can be silly.


Anonymous said…
Shared silliness is a much underrated pastime. I love silliness with people I like and trust. So glad you found it on Sunday.
altar ego said…
I love silliness in church. The irreverence someone keeps everyone from tipping over with anxiety about doing everything "right." Not that that doesn't matter, but when we mess up I think God winks.
Anonymous said…
i'm a BIG fan of silliness. without it... i would be one big fat gordian knot. i'm a bigger fan of when a pastor friend... has a wonderful sunday. AWESOME!!!!!
Jan said…
It all sounds so good! I'm glad for you.
Magdalene6127 said…
I am so glad you had a good day... looking forward to the sermon.
Unknown said…
Sounds good! Thumbs up for silly! :)
Barbara B. said…
oops, that was me up there
Anonymous said…
Agreeing with the others...silliness is a vital component of life, within the church and outside it.

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