Sunday Prayer: Living the Baptism of Christ

Holy God, before time you named us
Through time you redeem us
You call us, precious in your sight
May we love as you love.

Holy One, through the turbulent waters
Make us steady, your hands
Holding strong the fragile and weak
May we love as you love.

Gracious God, may the fruits of our lives
be food for the hungry, bread
clothing, shelter, fire, water, Word
May we love as you love.

God of justice, remove the chaff
Of our lives that keep us from
Hearing, following, Your call
May we love as you love.

Loving God, take this day our fears our
Worries, distractions, and all
Turn them into wheat, heart food
May we love as you love.


Crossposted on RevGalBlogPal blog and RevGalPrayerPal blog

Photo from the collection of Mompriest: Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori, Mompriest, and Baby Z


altar ego said…
That picture is a treasure. What a joy to have it in your collection!

And the poem is perfection. May I steal it to close our PofP today? This assumes we'll have any people since road conditions here are less than good.

Blessings this day.
Terri said…
Yes, Altar you may use it. I'll email you the credit info.
This is beautiful.
Jan said…
What a wonderful photo. Brings lovely memories. And your poem is beautiful.
Deb said…
I love both the poem and the picture. Both are prayers in action.

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