The challenges of being authentically who you are...

I've often wondered about the toll this is taking on the Archbishop of Canterbury.


Jan said…
Thanks for that link. I need to think of him, too, trying to bridge the rifts in the church to keep one Anglican Communion. With a gay daughter, I can easily condemn, which is wrong, dualistic and judgmental.
Anonymous said…
It's sad that this is such a divisive issue, in so many churches.
Magdalene6127 said…
I'm more concerned, I must say, with what his equivocating is doing to LGBT people. See this analysis of the apology.
Anonymous said…
I continue to be cognizant of the fact that somehow the way of the gay debate goes the way of the women debate... I'm not sure how they go together but they always do. I actually fully support both, but don't understand how it all goes hand-in-hand. Thanks for the link.
Terri said…
Oh EG- there is a wonderful article on this issue/idea/reality in the Ethics book I used in seminary. I think it was written by Lisa Cahill...but maybe someone else...and since I've packed the book I can't go check it out - but essentially the author, drawing on Facault and other philosophers, makes the conclusion that as women acquire equal status in a society other marginalized members of that society begin to move closer toward equality as well. So, it begins with women and moves to others - race, sexuality, etc.

Conversely the threat to those who live in a narrow patriarchical world view is the same - if one can't even begin to imagine a woman in a position of authority in church or state or corporate world - how could one even begin to imagine others.

Someday, when I unpack my books, if you are interested and remind me, I'll find the article for you....
Terri said…
Then again, it may have been Margaret Farley who wrote the article using Facault....
I am personally heartbroken by his willngness to betray both women and gays and his own previous commitment to full equality for the sake of "unity" with those who justify discrimination by abusing the Gospel.
Anonymous said…
thanks for those sources - I still have access to the seminary library online - I'll see if I can track that. This has been a constant wondering of mine since at least 2003 & I addressed it in two papers, but never fully teased it all the way out.

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