Easter Unexpected!

Yesterday morning, for a number of reasons, including my husband working on Easter (tough to be the low guy on the staff) and my daughter having commitments, I thought I was going to spend Easter at home. Then my daughter's schedule changed, last minute, and we headed off for church. We decided to go to the church where my two year old Goddaughters go, thinking it would be fun to spend Easter morning at, as they say, "Chuuch" with them.

This small church is very innovative and fun, I've gone a few times over the years, including the day the PB baptized the babies, two years back. (She was in town for the consecration of the new Diocesan Bishop). When my daughter and I walked in the priest's face lit up and his arms opened wide. We were almost late, the choir was already lined up to process....but the priest spontaneously asked me if I wanted to do something in the worship? I said, sure, whatever you want! He said, how about processing and proclaiming the Gospel. WOW! No small thing, IMHO.

So, I dropped my purse in a pew (no formal vesting, no time, no prep) and processed in with the choir and the altar party. A few minutes later I proclaimed the Gospel, tears welling in my eyes. Tears of joy, for the grace of the moment. Tears of love, what a gift this call from God is. Tears of gratitude for this simple act of grace and hospitality, so unexpected.

It's been a challenging Holy Week, not having a church to call my home. I was grateful to have a place to offer the meditation for Maundy Thursday, a place that is almost home, I've spent many years with the folks at that church. But otherwise I thought I was spending the rest of the week at home, knitting and drinking tea.

So Easter morning was a surprise and a great delight. And a reminder of how much I love what God has called me to do.

Easter came for me in that moment, in that worship. Easter, unexpected.


Katherine E. said…
Oh! I love this! What a lovely way to start my day, reading about a beautiful moment of grace and awesome hospitality. Makes me happy. Thanks for posting.

May you know many more unexpected and wonderful surprises THIS week!
Mary Beth said…
Thanks be to God for that glorious moment of hospitality. what JOY!

That's giving me a little Easter all over again!!
altar ego said…
What a fabulous Easter story. Sure sounds like new life to me!
God_Guurrlll said…
God is good all the time!

All the time God is good!

Thank you for sharing your story. It made my day!

Anonymous said…
Ah Mompriest. I am so glad for you. This is a wonderful moment of grace, beautifully told. I hope that the rest of the season of Easter is a blessing for you.
I was praying for you this weekend and thinking how hard it must be. So I am really glad to hear this unexpected grace.
Robin said…
Happy Easter indeed!
What a beautiful experience and an unexpected blessing! To Him we give the glory!
Unknown said…
God is good!!! I am so happy to read this!
Rev Dr Mom said…
What a wonderful blessing!
Magdalene6127 said…
How beautiful. I'm so glad!
Jan said…
You participated in the JOY of the day. So glad.
zorra said…
Hooray! I love it!
how cool (and providential -- redundant?) to have a little affirmation and welcome.

having had a church home for just three years now after a decade-plus-long hiatus, i am sensitive to your situation. i am not a priest; however, i can imagine that it's probably more difficult on your end than it was on mine.
revkjarla said…
lovely, joyful, and full of grace.
indeed, there is resurrection!
love to you...
Ann said…
Yes. Lovely. New life, new joy. I'm so happy for your joy.

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