RevGals Friday Five: Pack Your Bags

As some folks prepare for a big event Songbird, over at RevGals, offers this Friday Five:

1) Some fold, some roll and some simply fling into the bag. What's your technique for packing clothes? I use a combination of rolling and folding when I head off FOR my trip. When coming home I also have some pieces of clothing that I just bundle in a special spot to remind me that this is my "laundry."

2) The tight regulations about carrying liquids on planes makes packing complicated. What might we find in your quart-size bag? Ever lose a liquid that was too big? I am pretty good at fitting a lot of small 3oz products in that one zip lock bag. I have had to give up bottled water and once, a long time ago, a pair of tiny scissors, back when even those were a no-no.

3) What's something you can't imagine leaving at home? In the past I have forgotten to bring a toothbrush, extra underwear, pajamas, socks, a hairbrush. As long as I am near a place to purchase what I've forgotten I can manage. I also bring small packets of laundry detergent which I had to use recently when the airlines lost my CARRY ON bag when they made me check it because there were too many carry-ons.

4) Do you have a bag with wheels? Yes, in several sizes: small, smaller and ginormous.

5) What's your favorite reading material for a non-driving trip (plane, train, bus, ship)? I always bring a book or two and my knitting.


altar ego said…
I have several needlework projects "in the works," and I need to remember to take them along on trips. I don't have to worry about canine interference then!

Hope you're feeling less sore as your body adjusts to all the exercising!
RevDrKate said…
I find I am enjoying the "yarnish projects" on trips of all sorts these days...another gift of the RevGals.
angela said…
Oh, that reminds me of what I forget the most: the laundry bag. There are a couple designated bags at home now. But there used to be a pillowcase full.

It seems like there is always one garment that I pack thinking I'll wear and then I don't wear it, so it's the one clean garment in the bag...
Deb said…
@RevDrKate - love the "yarnish"!!

Enjoyed your play. rackle-snackle to airlines who lose luggage!!!
Unknown said…
That was a bad thing, I couldn't believe they mislaid your bag!
Rev Nancy Fitz said…
Yikes, how we trust them with our stuff.
I pack a plastic bag for "laundry" and then it goes straight to the laundry area when I get home.
Robin said…
I can't believe they lost your carry-on bag!

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