A RevGals Friday Five: Travel Edition

Over at RevGals Sophia offers this Friday Five Meme:

1. When was your last, or will be your next, out of town travel? The end of February and the beginning of March included two trips for me. One was a cross-country drive, some 1800 miles over 3 days and 3 nights. The other involved airplanes, rainy windy weather, lost luggage but an otherwise delightful trip to Maine.

2. Long car trips: love or loathe? I have taken a lot of long car trips over the last five years or so. I've driven from Chicago to South Carolina, from Chicago to North Carolina, from Chicago to Salt Lake City, and then from Chicago to Arizona and back four times. The trips are more fun if I have a good book on CD to listen too alternating with good music.

3. Do you prefer to be driver or passenger? I like sharing the drive - it's nice to drive some of the time and then take a break.

4. If passenger, would you rather pass the time with handwork, conversing, reading, listening to music, or ??? all of the above, except I can't read in the car....makes me so sick...

5. Are you going, or have you ever gone, on a RevGals BE? Happiest memories of the former, and/or most anticipated pleasures of the latter? Yes, I went to the RevGals BE last year, the BE 2.0. It was a lot of fun, even though it was in April and my allergies were awful. But it included a post trip to the Grand Canyon, which was awesome...if I do say so myself.

6. Bonus: a favorite piece of road trip music. When my kids and I were taking road trips some years back the only music we could all listen too and like was a CD of the best of the "Red Hot Chili Peppers." To this day every time I listen to that CD or hear a piece of music from I think of our road trip.


Don't know if I ever told you how much it meant to me that you asked me to write that Eucharistic Prayer for last year's BE--not to mention the unexpected joy of concelebrating. I have used it many times since and treasure it greatly.
altar ego said…
I always think long road trips offer good sermon fodder, but then I forget whatever makes me think so! So much fodder lost, LOL.

Music does have a way of connecting us to specific memories.
Mary Beth said…
OOh, RHCP! I need to add this to my Ipod.

I'm getting great ideas from this five!
isn't it funny how music snaps you right back into a moment? music memory... sounds like it could be sermon fodder or a series of sermons... cuz hymns do that too...
Long trips...wear me out. Even if I am not the primary driver. You have sure had your fair share lately.
Pastor Joelle said…
That cross country trip sounds wonderful. Love to do that someday
Sue said…
BE 2.0 was wonderful - and yes, the Grand Canyon - breathtakingly beautiful!!!! And such good company!!
RevDrKate said…
Oh my goodness! We really must roadtrip together sometime...we are totally compatible from the drive sharing and the CD books to the Chili Peppers! And yep, thinking about that GC visit today made me smile.
Deb said…
I can still remember how much snow was falling when I heard the soundtrack to 101 Dalmations... Funny how aural and visual cues are cemented together.

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