Spring Green

Two weeks ago the Arizona sun
Powerful stark, hot blaze
even in April
Warmed my skin yet
chilled my soul.

Arizona. Beautiful cruel, open
skied, prickly thorns that rip raw,
skin and spirit - have
you watched the
news lately?

Now, it's fourteen days later, Midwest spring
Endless days of rain, clouds
wind and cold and yet,
warms my soul, here
spirit shines.

All around spring has bloomed: leaves and grass, green
flowers burst forth, lilacs!
Yes, lilacs. Stop and
take a moment -
breath it in.


Catherine said…
I hear a few threads going on in this piece. And I get them; I do. Glad you have warmth where there is wind and real life.
ah yes... the doggies stop and sniff the lilacs on our walks!
Rev SS said…
so true ... wisteria and rhoadies frame my patio as I watch mamma ducks swim with their babies on the lake!
Sherry Peyton said…
You have managed to say a good deal in a very short piece. I am smiling, and I'm so glad you are happy.
Unknown said…
OOh, I love this. I loved seeing Airzona country. I don't like what is happening in Arizona right now. I am glad you are smiling.

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