Sunday Prayer: Trinity Sunday

(Photo from the files of Mompriest, Sunrise, Escalante, Utah)

Listen! Wisdom is calling!
Before all began,
God , Word, and Wisdom
Creating, calling,
from the foundations of the deep

Listen! Wisdom is calling!
From the mountain tops
Earth, fields and sea
Creating, calling
From the foundations of the deep

Listen! Wisdom is calling!
To those who suffer
God’s love is given
Endurance blossoms
From the foundations of the deep

Listen! Wisdom is calling!
Daily, God’s delight
You, me, every one
Given hope, grace, love
As the foundation of our lives

Listen! Wisdom is calling!
Poured into our hearts
That we may become
Christ’s hand and heart, love
As the foundation of our lives

Listen! Wisdom is calling!

crossposted on RevGalBlogPals and RevGalPrayerPals


Anonymous said…
I have returned each morning and evening to this prayer. It has filled my days with wonder, and today with a special blessing.

Thank you
Terri said…
oh Gabriele, You are welcome. I'm grateful it has been a source of nourishment for you....
Terri said…
Grant, thank you for stopping by. I will visit your blogs, too!
revhipchick said…
beautiful! i absolutely LOVE this prayer/poem. this scripture is one of my favorites, especially to preach.

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