Good News and, More Prayer, News...

The biopsy reports for the young boy I blogged about earlier came back "NORMAL" - no cancer has spread. Thanks Be To God. and thank you for all your prayers.

On another note: another former parishioner, a 50 something man, had a massive heart attack, is in a coma and the ICU. The doctors have said that he has suffered severe brain damage. His wife will probably remove the life support on Friday. I saw him today and prayed the prayers for those at the end of life. Beautiful prayers for such a sad occasion.

A day of joy. A day of sorrow. A day of life.


Anonymous said…
life indeed... and they are blessed to have your presence thru it
Jan said…
It's always both/and. Blessings and prayers.
Sherry Peyton said…
Life in process. There is a balance always it seems. It makes me feel in awe of God and all his creation. Celebrate what is, while it is.
What a gift you are for both families.

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