Reading a book so I can write a book review...and other things on my schedule

Monday the RevGalsBlog posted this from which I offered to read the book "Reframing Hope" by Carol Howard Merritt and write a review.

Also, I am holding a number of follow-up conversations on the Words Matter conference in order to help organize what comes next.

This Sunday will be my final Sunday supplying at St. James the Less. I've enjoyed this congregation. I have one more supply gig in September but otherwise, except for one supply job in September, I have  a wide open calendar at this point...not something I like. (sigh)

So, a book to read and review, some conversations to have, and a sermon to write. That's my week. What about yours?


Ivy said…
I just finished some journalling, something I haven't done since last summer during CPE. I am preparing the adult Bible study for Sun. and need to get the children's message ready. I'll likely do some more visitation tomorrow and that's about it. Oh, I also need to work on my learning covenant for internship.
Terri said…
Ivy, journaling is a discipline I failed at, until I starting blogging... :-) Your next few days sound busy enough!
Wendy said…
Trying to get a good start on my final dissertation chapter. And we're doing the epistles in the church's "Believing and Belonging" class in which I am a participant, so I've been reading through those.

My word verification is "serve." I wonder if someone's trying to tell me something...
Jan said…
Wendy, I am impressed with your writing!

My week is still full of reading mysteries, but also getting ready for the Green Fair on Sunday, trying to make a chart about Free Trade, esp. concerning chocolate.
i'm reading the same book for the same outcome ! were you able to join the webinar today? i'd been wondering how many of the 75 were from revgals..
spent yesterday at the English Gardens with my alzheimer affected cousin and his care home group - gorgeous day of sun and flowers..
today with my mom at her care home in the gardens as well - grabbing the sunshine while we still have it! and grabbing gratitude for the opps to still spend time with these family members ..
Terri said…
Wendy, I left a reply here that didn't show up...uhm...I think I said something about ABT....sigh...but thanks for stopping by.

Jan, welcome back!!

Faith Hope Cherrytea, I did not participate in the webinar, but I am enjoying the book thus far.

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