Life Was Wonderful

(Sunrise at Grand Canyon, photo from the files of Mompriest)

I am filled with joy
when the day dawns quietly
over the roof of the sky.

Life was wonderful
in winter.
But did winter make me happy?
No, I always worried
about hides for boot-soles
and for boots;
and if there'd be enough
for all of us.
Yes, I worried constantly.

Life was wonderful
in summer.
But did summer make me happy?
No, I always worried
about reindeer skins and rugs for the platform.
Yes, I worried constantly.

Life was wonderful
when you stood at your fishing hole
on the ice.
But was  I happy waiting at my fishing hole?

No, I was always worried
for my little hook,
in case it never got a bite.
Yes, I worried constantly.

Life was wonderful
when you danced in the feasting-house
But did this make me any happier?
No, I always worried
I'd forget my song.
Yes, I worried constantly.

Life was wonderful
And I still feel joy
each time the day-break
whitens the dark sky
each time the sun
climbs over the roof of the sky.

(Eskimo Song, from "Earth Prayers" edited by Elizabeth Roberts and Elias Amidon; Harper Collins: 1991)


Di said…

Thanks, Mompriest.
altar ego said…
This hits close to home. Much food for thought.
Sherry said…
So beautiful and so appropriate for me. I'm a worrier. And I know I shouldn't be, and this helps me to remember that. Thank you!
Rebecca Ramsey said…
Oh. That's too true.
I've never seen this poem/song before. I'm so glad you shared it!
revkjarla said…
Thank you for this. xoxo
Yngvil said…
Very beautiful! Again your post makes a feeling of recognition bubble up in me. It´s like this song is talking about my feelings. Thank you for sharing it.
Thanks for your comment, by the way. I agree with you to some extent: It is kind of silly that aliens would come attack the earth without any reason. And then the US of all places. Why not... Japan for that matter? But on the other hand, I do find both science fiction and alien attacks quite interesting... In a weird way. Guess that´s the curious part of me taking control.

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