Sunday Prayer 18C

For those who labor this night, this day
Let us pray.

Pray for those who labor in the world,
To bring peace where there is injustice
Economic, Education, Health Care,
To gather up those who live on the fringes
Pushed aside by power and greed,

For those who work for justice
Let us pray.

Pray for those who labor in this world
Working long hours to feed and clothe children
Over -working for substantial wages
To feed family and put clothes on their backs
Pushed aside by power and greed.

For those who are victims of injustice
Let us pray

For those who weep this night, who suffer
From illness of body, mind or spirit,
Who suffer from broken spirit, broken hearts
Like a malformed pot in the potters hand
Waiting to be remade, whole

For those who seek God
Let us pray

For those who have found healing this day
Those made whole and new again in love
The grace, mercy and love of God,
Who desires us, yearns to make whole
Turn and face the God who loves you

For the love and grace of God,
Let us pray.

A prayer based on the readings for Proper 18C: Jeremiah 18:1-11 and Psalm 139:1-6, 13-18 OR Deuteronomy 30:15-20 and Psalm 1; Philemon 1-21 Luke 14:25-33 by The Rev. Terri C, Pilarski, cross-posted on RevGalsBlogPals and RevGalPrayerPals


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