Sunday Prayer 19C

(dust storm sun, Arizona, from the files of mompriest)

Merciful God, who created
the heavens and the earth
and all creation
God who weeps
with us
over the sins we commit, destroying
the earth in so many ways,
But most especially
on that tragic
morning of destruction,
when what was left was waste and void;
A hole, fires all around,
and yet no light
leaving us quaking in sin. Ours. Theirs.

Create in me a clean heart O God
A sinner who repents
And put a new spirit within me.

Be patient merciful God,
With our stiff-necked ways,
Blot out our transgressions
The ways we hurt ourselves
The ways we hurt others
The ways we hurt you,
Eating the bread of greed.
Wash us from our iniquity
Help us see our transgressions
And not just the ones we think
Others commit
Help us, heal us
With your love

Create in me a clean heart O God
A sinner who repents
And put a new spirit within me.

God of mercy and grace
Who creates, renews, restores
Who forgives and heals
Help us to be agents of
To forgive as you do.
To love as you do.
To be patient as you are.
To care this earth
To care for others
To care for ourselves
May we be your hands
Your heart.
May we rejoice with the angels
A new day,
For in you all things are possible.

Crossposted on RevGalBlogPals and RevGalPrayerPals


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