Monday Musings
It's no longer morning, but I'm still taking some time today to ponder a few things.:
- I am actively working on a draft of the module for the "Words Matter" conversation. This will be a working module that any small group can use to have a conversation about the language (words, images, and symbols) we use to talk about ourselves, others, and God. It's about increasing our sensitivity to language we may take for granted but others may be offended by, it's meant to heighten our sensitivity of ourselves and others, particularly when it comes to how we talk about God.
- We are recreating the prayer blog for the RevGals here.. Stop by and take a look. We hope to have a prayer or poem or some reflection offered every day. Prayer requests can be left, but keep in mind that it's a public blog.
- I checked a book out the library titled something like 100 Great Poems of the 20th Century. I was in a hurry when I did this. If I had taken the time to notice that the book does not include a single poem by Mary Olive, Billy Collins, or Dorothy Day then I would realized that I might not like the choices made by the editor as to his idea of "great" poems. Sigh.....oh well. I also got a book of Emily Dickinson poems and letters and a Billy Collins, and biography of Dorothy Day, which I may have read a long time ago.
- I also checked out 4 books of fiction, so I am set for some good reading.
- Ok, so I'm not pondering anything heavy or profound.
- It's Monday.