The Time Is Here....almost

A few months ago I thought it would be a good idea to offer a couple of workshops at Diocesan Convention. One workshop would be a repeat of one I did a year ago and one would be the first teaching opportunity of a consultation I helped lead last summer.

Over the last couple of weeks I have reworked both of those. Written presentation narratives. Read several books on the theology and ethics of environmental stewardship. Added more slides to the powerpoint. (I think the powerpoint is beautiful, lots of slides with photos I took in Arizona and've seen a number of them if you've been following this blog)...Added music to the both presentations. Added a video clip to one. Reworked the presentations. Rehearsed both presentations, narrative with powerpoint and music. Until I think I have them ready to go.The timing seems to work, although they are a little short in terms of how much time we have and how long the presentation is, but I suspect some of that extra time will be used up waiting for people to come in and settle down...we won't start exactly on time....and I have room for discussion and question and answers.

So. Friday is it. One presentation at 9am CST and the second one at 10:30. All this time and work and before I know it, it will be over. I hope people come to the presentations and that what I offer feeds those who come.


Gaye said…
May the Spirit enliven your words and move the hearts of those who listen and receive the word.

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