I'm Game....for A Pay It Forward...

My blog-friend altar ego was the recipient of a handmade gift in a "pay it forward" project. She then challenged us to take this on the "Pay It Forward" gift exchange.

Now here are the rules: Leave a comment on this post letting me know that you will play. I will send a handmade gift to the first 3 people who leave a comment on this post requesting to join this Pay It Forward exchange...I don't know what the gift will be, nor when it will be sent...sometime in the next 365 days!

I'm game, are you?


revkjarla said…
me me me!!!!

then I send a gift to three people on my blog, right?
Terri said…
yup! OH fun! (Now to start thinking about what I will make and send you....delightful)
Diane M. Roth said…
just saw this! (does that mean I post it on my blog too?)
Terri said…
Diane - yes! so, I guess it still "works" if I only have two people instead of three...

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