Monday Morning Musings

It's a quiet morning in my household. Outside the sun is shining, the air crisp, and very cold. We have a good amount of snow on the ground, although not as much as the Northeast coast is getting. The animals have been fed, my husband is at work and I'm drinking coffee. The only thing I have to do today is return items to the library. If I wanted too I could just renew everything on-line and avoid that trip, too. (I must say, I do love the new library on-line system which reminds via email when materials are due and enables me to renew through a link in the email). We had a lovely Christmas.

Christmas Eve I picked up my brother from the nursing home so he could join us for dinner. I took him back on our way to midnight services. We went to the church we attended when our kids were little, the same church where I was ordained, eleven years ago tomorrow. It was really sweet to be "home" - back in our old neighborhood and celebrating Christmas with people we know and love.

Christmas Day we went to dog park and ran our dogs - they had a blast in the snow! Then we went to our daughter's for breakfast goodies and some gifting - we didn't really exchange gifts this year, but our dogs got lots of small things. The dogs love to open presents, it's very entertaining for the humans to "help" the dogs.

After our daughter's we picked up my mother-in-law at her assisted living facility. (She's become so frail with age and Parkinson's disease, but we can still make her laugh). We all gathered at my sister and brother-in-law's for more feasting and festivities. Just like we have for most of the past 25 years. It was delightful.

So a simple day today and an easy week. What about you? Do you have a quiet week or are you busy with various obligations?


Robin said…
It sounds lovely.

Our week ahead is very quiet, and the cold weather in FL will make it even moreso.
Sherry Peyton said…
Sounds like you had a great day! We are snowed in at the moment with over a foot of snow, but we are expecting 3 days of melting later in the week. We had a great ham dinner, and we've been devouring ham sandwiches since. LOL..
I'm writing a sermon this week and meeting with my District Superintendent. And taking care of two children. Alas, it doesn't sound that quiet to me. But, we had a lovely Christmas!
Terri said…
Robin, I'm sorry it's cold in Florida....I hope you get some get days in.

Sherry, we have ham on New Years Day - looking forward to it!

W&H, do you have to get up at 4am, before the kids, to work on that sermon? I need a very quiet house for that work!

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