RevGals Friday Five: Time to Get Up and Play....

SingingOwl over at RevGals invites us to play this Friday Five Meme: Share five things that helped me get out of bed this morning:

1. Hungry dogs staring at me while I tried to bury myself under blankets. Their stares were burning holes through those blankets and the wagging tails of anticipation were evident. So, I had to get up. I just had too.

2. But before I fed those dogs I started the coffee maker so my coffee could brew. Then I fed the three dogs and let them out.

3. And then I poured myself a cup of steaming hot coffee. Really there are some nights I go to bed anticipating the morning cup of coffee. Is that bad, should I worry about myself?

4. If its Friday I do like to get up and see what has been offered for the Friday Five. And I enjoy reading the responses. You might say I need a life...LOL

5. and there are my cats. If the dogs aren't staring me down and disturbing me with wagging tails then the cats are talking. You know that cat-talk - the one that says - "feed me now." No one can sleep through that....


On occasion, OZ will gently pat my get me she can have her treats! Is she spoiled or what????
revhipchick said…
you have some powerful dogs with laser eyes!

happy friday!
pets and coffee...yep yep yep
I said FF too! Have really been enjoying reconnecting with the RGBP community that way.
RevDrKate said…
Dog and coffee, yep those are good getter-uppers.
Jan said…
I can just see those dogs staring you into "submission"--to get up and feed them! I always identify with what you write.
angela said…
You still have quite the house full!

Me too, I look forward to the Friday Five. I try to do it before I get children up though. And I love how everyone is similar and unique. Little portraits.
i'm totally with you on 1-4. no cats though... ick. right now it is wrestling dogs... as i look at the shredded vacuum cleaner box in my office (courtesy of baileybean)... the entire box!!
Carol said…
Should I also worry because number 3 is what I do
Yolanda said…
I think the basics, the simple things are the best.

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