Preparing for the UNCSW

From Feb. 19-26 I will be in NYC representing the Episcopal Church at the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (UNCSW). I am being sponsored by AWE (Anglican Women’s Empowerment).

On Sunday, I will represent the Episcopal Church at an all-day orientation provided by Ecumenical Women I will also attend an evening reception for Ecumenical Women.

Monday all participants will hear keynotes, presentations and participate in small group discussions on the theme at an all-day program planned by the NGO CSW committee and hosted at the Salvation Army. NGO Orientation

Beginning Tuesday, February 22, AWE will welcome over 100 women and a few men to the Episcopal Church Center for the 55th Session of the UNCSW. The theme is Access and participation of women and girls in education, training, science and technology, including for the promotion of women’s equal access to full employment and decent work.

Hundreds of parallel events or workshops put on by NGO’s be offered at venues around the UN itself. NGO Parallel Events. I have plotted out my daily itinerary from the list of offerings – so many too choose from!

The AWE program, which offers daily morning worship and evening debriefing, a session with the Presiding Bishop, and a Beijing Circles workshop on Saturday, Feb.26, will provide a framework around these various events and allow participants time to have deeper conversation around meaning and purpose.


Patti Money said…
I hope that everything goes well. It sounds very exciting. I will be praying for you!
Jan said…
You always amaze me. I'll be praying, too.

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