Monday Morning Musings: Big News Edition

I have accepted the call to serve as Rector at Christ Episcopal Church in Dearborn, Michigan...

My husband and I are very excited to join this community in ministry. In the meantime we have to prepare to move. Tentative move around end of April, start date May 2.

Other things I'm working on: My job as the Consultant to the Episcopal Church for the WordsMatter Project comes to an end March 31. I established a working group for the WordsMatter Expansive Language Project, we had our first WebEx call last week. I will continue to chair a working group and move the project along even as the main thrust of my work with this project is complete. This group will help move the project forward in new ways and places. I'm excited about the working group - some awesome folks are helping.

And, I'm thrilled to be moving back into parish ministry, especially with this congregation.


altar ego said…
Tremendously exciting. I am so Mazel Tov! I'm so thrilled for you, Terri. Alas, I am not so happy that you won't be in Chicago when I am there in the summer, but will pray that an opportunity for that meal and glass of wine will present itself at some point.

If you need an assistant at Christ Church (haven't look further than your post to see details about the church), I'm willing to relocate. North!

Blessings in abundance, especially as you move during Holy Week!
Patti Money said…
Congratulations on the new call! I'm very excited for you. I wish you and your new church many happy years together. (:
Terri said…
Altar Ego - I will keep you in mind as things progress - as well as thinking of you as positions open up in the diocese...and, you know it's only a five hour drive, and I will have family in the Chicago area, so when you are here it may still be possible for a meet up.

Patti - thank you.
Wendy said…
Yay for you and for Christ Church! So very happy.
Mary Beth said…
Hooray! They are blessed to have you.
Jan said…
What fantastic news!
Unknown said…
How wonderful!!! So happy for you and for them.
Gaye said…
I am so glad. You've had a long hard wait. May you and your new parish be blessed with a long and fruitful relationship.
Congratulations, Terri! They are fortunate to have you!
Lisa :-] said…
Grace and blessings at your new "calling." I, too, believe the congregation will find themselves fortunate to have you!
Magdalene6127 said…
Blessings! Joy! Mazel Tov!
Tripp Hudgins said…
Lovely! Traveling/Moving Mercies to you and your husband!

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