RevGals Friday Five: Spring Forward!

Jan, over at RevGals offers this Friday Five:

Whether we liked it or not, we all "sprang forward" with the change to daylight savings time in the USA this past Sunday. There is lightness and brightness slipping in as spring approaches, so let us consider what is springing forth in our lives right now.

Name 5 things that are springing forth, possibly including:

what you hope for
I can't say just yet, but yes, something I've been hoping for has happened. It's very exciting. But more than that, I really hope for some stability to settle over our world. I suspect we have always been a people who choose violence and war to get our way, but I just hope we can make greater efforts to minimize this and find other ways to resolve conflicts.

what you dread
I am saddened by the events in Japan and the impact on these people and the world, not to mention the on going issues in Haiti, Egypt, Libya, and other places around the world. I dread further collapses of nuclear facilities and economies and homes and much tragedy everywhere.

what you observe
I observe some people choosing to be gracious and kind, mindful of their words, seeking compassion as a response to those who prefer to fuel fear and anxiety with words that distort reality. I observe that some of that fear-mongering energy is losing momentum.

what is concrete
Not much of anything is concrete, most of life is fluid, changing. Concrete for me? That God loves us, loves creation, and is forever working to restore the chaos, whether human-made or nature-caused, and bring forth order, peace, and well-being. I think God's desire for all creation is that.

what is intangible
Well, people often think that God's presence and God's response to us and the world is "intangible." Trusting God's faithfulness to us and all creation is one way we begin to see the movement of God. Looking back over our lives also helps, for it is often in hindsight that we can see God at work. More than once over the course of my life I have felt deep despair, lost in a wilderness of anxiety, worry, grief, certain that God had abandoned me....only to look back a year or two (or more) later and recognize God's work in my life...and when I do, all I can do is laugh in delight. Right? Intangible God? Yes, but not really....that's what faith is all about.


So excited for you!!!!
Laura said…
Intangible and yet not... I love the paradoxical ways we experience God and how the work of reconciling those different poles of interaction transforms our faith every time. May this time of fear, anger, conflict and destruction point us to the God of peace, comfort, joy and creation. Blessings!
PrJoolie said…
Great play. You inspired interesting thoughts in me. Can't wait to hear your news.
altar ego said…
Great play, Terri. I love the centeredness of your words, and "where you are." Eager to hear your news!
Mary Beth said…
Glorious and hopeful!!!
angela said…
I love your wider point of view in answering these queries this friday five. Astute observations.

And I too look forward to what's happening for you.
RevDrKate said…
Wonderful responses. Looking forward to hearing the news.
Sue said…
Yaaaaaaayyyy!!! I'm so very happy for you re: question #1. So. Happy!!!!
Unknown said…
praying for you....
Rev SS said…
nice theological reflection, as always ... love #1
Rev. Liz Moen said…
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mid-life rookie said…
Looking forward to when you can share your hopes come true. Happy dancing for you in the meantime.
Wendy said…
I am just back from retreat and not ready to sift through all the blog entries on my feeder, but I thought, I should check Terri's blog and see if there is any news. I'm glad I did.
Gaye said…
I live in a small country obsessed by its own problems and you have helped me to look up and see the wider world.

Praying for you still.

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