RevGal Friday Five: Royal Wedding Addition

Songbird over at RevGalBlogPals offers this Friday Five:

1) Will you be watching? If so, is this your first royal wedding? I am watching, and yes it is my first royal wedding. When Diana married I was in my 20's and not interested in getting up early to watch the event. I do remember my mother getting up to watch it, making me feel as though I have become my mother (LOL).

2) The bride has chosen as her wedding cake a fruitcake. Where do you stand on this pastry? I think their wedding fruitcake will be delicious...I hear thay are also going to have a chocolate cake, which would be my preference.

3) The dress code for royal weddings has not seen the same sad decline as that for most other weddings. If you could design your own royal wedding hat, what color would it be and what special decoration would it feature? I'd probably wear a subtle shade of pink or ivory, with a fun ribbon and floral trim.

4) Any chance the Archbishop of Canterbury is using a Sustainable Sermon (tip of the mitre to the Vicar of Hogsmeade)? What would you tell the couple were you offering the homily? The Bishop of London preached (although who would have known that) and he did a fine job IMHO. I always talk about the nature of love, and how in the English language we only have one word for love, but in other languages there are different words for the different types of love. Then I talk about hesed, phylia, agappe, and one other which I can't remember at the moment. From that I talk about the nature of love maturing over the course of time and the challenges we face in relationships. I also talk about how love in marriage is intended to encourage each person to aid the other in becoming most fully who they are to be.

In this case, though, the words would have to be somewhat different because they are also public figures and will one day be leaders of the the words need to be more expansive. I thought the Bishop of London said it well. And, I like their choice of scripture, too.

5) Believe it or not, kathrynzj is getting up early mostly to see the wedding dress. By the time this post is up, the world will have seen it. Did you like it? Yes. I might have preferred it to not have that bustle thing in back, though...

ALTERNATIVELY: If you don't want to play this, and think we are goofballs, that's okay. Instead of telling us we're goofballs, why don't you tell us something fun you're going to do this weekend. We promise to get around to visit all of you eventually...well, I watched, and I played, and I don't feel like a goodball...I feel like a good Anglican who participated in a Church of England marriage ceremony.


Diane M. Roth said…
I thought that dress was beautiful. otherwise, I'll admit, I haven't thought about it much!

my bad.
angela said…
I agree on the chocolate cake. And love your homily idea--there are just so many things to say about relationships that can't be understood by our young people until they've lived it. :-)
Storge--the love of parents for children, etc. My go to on all of them, where I learned the term, is CS Lewis' The Four Loves. I also love his distinction of lovers gazing at each other and friends gazing at something together.

May call to see if you have time to consult on the local pedophile priest case I am dealing with--Dignity chapter which meets in an Episcopal church with overlapping service times. Info on the chapel blog where I also played the FF. Prayers appreciated if you don't have time to talk.

Hope you are settling in beautifully.
Muthah+ said…
Wise choice, the Bishop of London.
RevDrKate said…
Saw the pics of her dress, yes lovely. otherwise, not being such a good Anglican I fear. Royal wedding not on the radar this week. Good to hear you are settling in. Thoughts and prayers for a great beginning.

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