RevGals Friday Five:Quick Pick Edition

Kathrynjz, over at RevGals is offering a quick pick Friday Five asking what five things are going well in our lives right now.

All five of mine are wrapped around this: The very best thing is my new call and the preparation involved to move and begin that position. I'm excited and looking forward to joining this community in ministry. I wrote about this in previous posts, you can read more if you wish.


kathrynzj said…
Thanks for playing and blessings on your new call. :)
altar ego said…
Let me say again how thrilled I am for you! Can't wait for you to be there and engaged with that community.
revhipchick said…
so glad to hear about your new call! they will be greatly blessed by you and i pray you will be equally blessed by them!
revkjarla said…
skippy happy yay dance!
Unknown said…
Your new call is at least five good things!
well duh?!

hope the packing is going great!
Wendy said…
So very excited for you!

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