Friday Five: Word Match

Songbird, over at RevGalBlogPals, offers this Friday Five:

First, for each of these five words -- all of which remind me of my *most* excellent vacation -- share the first word that comes to mind when you read it.

1) Airport ugh, security measures, taking off shoes and unloading my suitcase of the "baggy" of 3 oz stuff and the computer and cell phone and jacket and....

The more I fly the more prepared and organized I am to make the unloading for security process as organized as possible - but even still I end up needing four or five bins, and I end up feeling ridiculous.

Then, my most airport experience - La Guardia - had no decent coffee or place to sit in the American Terminal I was in. And because I took super shuttle to the airport I arrived three hours early.... (The United terminal I was in last year is a little better).

2) Baseball Wondering if there will be a Detroit Tigers - Chicago Cubs World Series...LOL (hey, it could happen)....

3) Art Grateful that ALL of my artwork made it through the move from Arizona to Chicago, a year in storage, and a recent move to Michigan, and nothing broke. NOTHING! None of my art, not a single dish or glass, and all the furniture is ok too. I'm amazed because we packed ourselves, loaded the truck in AZ and drove the truck to Chicago, and then loaded the storage locker.

4) Chocolate Dark. Preferably with almonds! And, daily. with tea. In the afternoon.

5) Grill Yes. Often during the summer. Salmon, steak, burger, chicken.


I'm coming to your house for dinner (jk). You listed all my grill favorites.
Unknown said…
I love your header! Gorgeous. Also daily chocolate. :-)
Iris said…
Grilled salmon followed by dark choclate sounds perfect to me!

I'm sorry I haven't said so yet, but I am so very happy for you. Terri!
Sharon said…
Delicious! And I love the pic at the top of your blog!
angela said…
Chocolate and almonds--perfect combination! Any day. Me too, love the baptism going on in your header.
Muthah+ said…
Ooooh I am impressed with your header!

If I had such a picture with the PB I would use it as my header too!

Chocolate and almonds--temptation!
Wendy said…
Love the header, too!

I'm so looking forward to the day when I'm not adding stroller and diaper bag to the airport security belt. It is a major juggling act!

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