Friday Five: Repeat Edition

Sharon, over at RevGals, posts this Friday Five, an updated repeat of one of her favorite Friday Fives.

A decision from history: There is a chair that still sits in the Assembly Room of the Pennsylvania State House (Independence Hall). Legend has it that it was George Washington's chair, the back carved with a half sun. Benjamin Franklin would look at it and wonder whether it was a rising or a setting sun. Eventually Franklin decided it was the hopeful symbol of the rising sun, a sign of the future of our new republic.

How do you decide? Check out the following pairs and tell which one of each appeals to you most:

1) Sunrise or Sunset: both, although I tend to see more sunsets as I am usually. Ot up early enough to watch sunrises. However when I lived in Arizona I had a great view from my backyard and appreciated many sun rises and sets.

2) To the Mountains or To the Beach: Mountains., born in Utah, mountains are part of my childhood, my spirituality, and a place of awe.

3) Coffee or Tea; both. Coffee in the morning, tea in the afternoon, with some dark chocolate!

4) Advent or Lent; both, Advent for the wreath and candles, the contemplative nature and prayers. Lent as an opportunity to reflect on the brokenness of our world and our lives, and how we can work toward repairing those broken places.

5) "Raindrops on Roses" or "Whiskers on Kittens": uhm, well...I guess whiskers on cats since I have two.

BONUS: Tell more about one of the pairs. Why did you choose it? Difficult or easy choice? A story from your own experience? Perhaps I cam write more, later, bit for now I have to run..a bunch of early meetings this morning.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


Sharon said…
Thanks for playing! And thanks for putting some dark chocolate on the table.
I've tried but never got into the dark chocolate thing.
Sherry Peyton said…
I've never been able to decide--seaside or mountains. lol...Your images are lovely and perfect on this Friday.
hope those early morning mtgs. didn't run you too ragged!
Wendy said…
It was hard not going "both" on these, wasn't it?

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