Monday Morning Musings

"We've broken all tradition," said my husband, as we settled into a morning cup of coffee. I was just thinking the same thing. With our children grown and living in another state we haven't done the usual round of holiday BBQ's and festivals, and fireworks. We didn't even have our traditional Wimbledon brunch on Saturday. Instead, with his work schedule, we grabbed a quick breakfast, saw some of the women's playoff game, and then walked the dogs before he left for work. His schedule most days: the 2-11PM shift. And, he's worked every holiday since we moved, often working closing the store ten days in a row before getting a couple of days off.

That means I am left to my own devices most afternoons and evening. I can manage to fill up that time with yoga, reading, my exercise DVD, a bike ride....and time spent on Facebook or blogging. But, this is not our tradition.

I guess we will begin to create new traditions as time goes on. I am leading a Fourth of July service this morning at the church. That's a first for this place, at least in recent memory. In my first call we offered a Fourth of July weekday service, using the lessons from Lesser Fasts and Feasts. While I am not inclined to make too much of national, secular, holidays at a Sunday morning service, I am ok with adding in a special weekday service for the Fourth of July, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving...

Nonetheless I am pondering the reality that a week ago we held an Interfaith Service, followed by this week a celebration of the Fourth. I think we may be able to describe ourselves as an Expansive Church, one willing to embrace a wide range of liturgical realities, as an authentic expression of this community. Many of the same folks who appreciated the interfaith service are also grateful for a celebration of the Fourth....

This morning finds me reflecting on traditions, old and new. What about you? What traditional things will you do today, this week, or what new things are you creating?

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


Robin said…
I like this idea of an extra service for the 4th. As I start to interview (!) at small churches and ponder the inevitable blend of patriotism and Christianity, this seems like a good solution.
Terri said…
It helps that the Episcopal Church offers a feast day for the Fourth, so I have something to anchor this on...the idea that Sundays are always a celebration of Easter and that this is God's church, not a national church. BUT, like all the other saints that the Episcopal Church honors, we can celebrate the fourth at a weekday service, honoring those who navigate(d) the freedom we hold so dear. And, that some of the founding members of this country were also members of the fledgling Episcopal Church in the late 1700's - Bishop White of Pennsylvania among them.
altar ego said…
Nothing special planned here. We're utilizing our time to take care of domestic duties. Our cookout will be chicken stuck on a beer can! Fireworks will be in front of the TV.

The week to come is my first full week at the new job (about which I will post on the blog on Wednesday), so it will be full of lots of new things. It's a good thing.

Enjoy your day, whatever it holds and brings!
Jan said…
Like you, with no kids home, we didn't do much for the 4th. It was a quiet day of reading, one water exercise class at the Y, spiritual direction with a friend, and some blogging. I'm glad you are a faithful friend via the internet. Your service for the 4th sounds very nice.

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