RevGalsFriday Five:

kathrynzj, over at RevGals is lamenting the days when we all did a lot of writing and meme playing and reading of blogs...and wonders about the following:

1) Have your blogging (writing/reading) habits shifted since the days of yore? I still make a daily effort to scroll through my blog roll and read the updated blogs. But every day I lament the number of blogs that haven't been updated in months. Recently I even deleted a couple of them. My blog, never one that received a lot of comments, now can go days without a single comment. I write on this blog about three times a week, not daily. I post something on Monday, play the Friday Five, and usually post my sermon for Sunday. Starting a new call keeps me busy and unable to write daily...

2) Do you have some favorites that you miss? In the early days I read a number of blogs: RevSS and BarbB were regulars, but almost never post on their blogs. I do talk to RevSS on Facebook, but Barb???? sigh. She always had witty blog posts about her cats, her kids, and hiking.

3) Are there some blogs you still put in the 'must read' category? Yes, RevGals and A Place to Pray (the prayer blog for RGBP), plus any blog on my blog roll that has recently posted.

4) If we gathered at your knee, what would you tell us about those early days of blogging? The most significant aspect of blogging is the community that has formed. It's really amazing...and the friendships forged. There have been times in my life when I got by because of the prayers and compassion and friendships of this blogging community.

5) Do you have a clip or a remembrance of a previous post of yours or someone else's that you remember, you know an oldie but goodie? Well, it was fun when Diane, Jan, and I did a poetry share and comment. One of us would post a poem and the rest would talk about the metaphors and symbolism and meaning in the poem. Then someone else would post another one and we'd do the same. It was a fun way to read new poetry and gleam its meaning, while getting to know new blogging friends.


Robin said…
I loved the poetry posts.
Katie Z. said…
that poetry idea is great! and I agree, the community is so amazing and I miss it as well.
kathrynzj said…
A fun reminder of some of the gems of blogging (poetry and community) and what we still have. What a blessing to be a part of the social media community even as it morphs (sometimes seemingly at the speed of sound!)

Thanks for playing!
Jan said…
I had forgotten about those poetry posts. Maybe we should try to do that once a month? I'm glad you brought that up. You are someone I am glad I met through blogging and that you continue to post so the connection is renewed. Thanks, Terri.
Diane M. Roth said…
I remember the poetry parties fondly. you know I still get a lot of hits from "To Be Of Use".
angela said…
Wow, in my academic days I'd be up for the poetry reading and analysis.

You are in my must read category--I always feel like you're really plugged in to what is happening in the community of bloggers. And so good to read you and other Episcopal sisters b/c I think you have a voice I really need to hear at the table.
kdoyle said…
I was definitely a more active blogger when I was self-employed. Still, I'm trying...

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