Monday Morning Musings

I spent the day at the church, leading a special Eucharist for Labor Day and a prayer vigil initiating our Week of Prayer to Transform the Tragedy of 9/11 into a Mission of Unity and Hope.

Here is one of the prayers from the booklet I created using prayers from the Episcopal Tradition, and prayers from other traditions:

Buddhist Vow

Knowing how deeply our lives intertwine, We vow not to kill.

Knowing how deeply our lives intertwine, We vow to not take what is not given.

Knowing how deeply our lives intertwine, We vow to not engage in abusive relationships.

Knowing how deeply our lives intertwine, We vow to not speak falsely or deceptively.

Knowing how deeply our lives intertwine, We vow to not harm self or other through Poisonous thought or substance.

Knowing how deeply our lives intertwine, We vow to not dwell on past errors.

Knowing how deeply our lives intertwine, We vow to not possess any thing or form of life Selfishly.

Knowing how deeply our lives intertwine, We vow to not harbor ill will toward any plant, animal or
Human being.

Knowing how deeply our lives intertwine, We vow to not abuse the great truth of the Three Treasures.

(In Buddhism, the Three Treasures refer to the Buddha, the dharma – teachings, and the sangha – community)

Whether you are laboring this day or resting or feasting with friends and family, may it be blessed.


Don Scrooby said…
Just a wonderful, wonderful vow. Thanks so much.

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