What Lifts You?....a RevGals Friday Five
Sally, over at RevGals offers this Friday Five:
Over the last few weeks I have been struggling with depression, I know that from reading other folks blogs that I am not alone in this, and from time to time if not suffering from depression that everyone feels down. With that in mind I wonder what lifts you? So I'd like you to share 5 things:
1. A Scripture- it might be a verse or a whole book! When I am struggling I often go to this verse:Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we ought, but that very Spirit intercedes with sighs too deep for words. And God, who searches the heart, knows what is the mind of the Spirit (Romans 8:26-27)
2. A piece of music. Cello, specifically, YoYo Ma
3. A place A walk usually helps
4. A person/ group of people Sometimes it helps to meet a friend for coffee...
5. Something you do... Yoga