Monday Morning Musings

Life has been full, rich, complicated, and busy. Ten weeks have flown by since the middle of August when I returned from a short vacation. I have had meetings, worked with creative, high energy, good ideas people as we make plans for some fun parish activities. Being on the upswing of the "life cycle" - a time of new life and creativity, is fun. Going with that energy is exciting, even as we recognize the need to channel and focus it, a bit.

So, this morning I am enjoying some peace and quite. It comes after a delightful weekend reflecting on and celebrating our stewardship, the ways we give of our time, talent, and treasure - and the way we hope to give in the future. I am enjoying a cool, cloudy fall morning, a cup of coffee, and a day without a whole lot to do. I have some plans for this day "off." I plan to do some laundry, exercise, walk the dogs, and do some light house cleaning. I may read some of Richard Rohr's book, "Falling Upward."

The rest of the week will include a few meetings, and a fair amount of preparation for our December worship. In particular we will have a Bishops visit and confirmation. But for now, I'll rest.

What about you? Are you able to find some time to rest? Or are you busy with plans and work?


Wendy said…
"The upswing of the life-cycle"--Nice! I'm kind of feeling like that, myself. It's energizing. Have fun with it, and do enjoy your day of rest.
Sandi said…
I shared earlier with a trusted friend how I am on this reinforcing loop of pain, fatigue, work....

It is a cool, but comfortable morning. While I know there are things I SHOULD be doing for work, I'm taking the morning to work outside, clearing flower beds, continue on my pile of mulch..... It isn't "rest" yet it is work that feeds my soul.
Lisa :-] said…
Terri, it is wonderful to read that you are busy and content. Proof of the turning of the cycles of life--that bad always leads to good again--is what kept me going through the last months at the cafe. Currently, I'm in a sort of middle-space; but the absence of bad makes it feel pretty good.
i didn't have a day off last week, so i took it today... it's been laundry; dishes; dusting; paying bills all that ordinary household stuff. hoping to get things shaped up before a busy week of home visits; advent planning; and lining up folks for a living nativity. whew!
Rev Nancy Fitz said…
Glad you are having a good day. My day off is tomorrow. I only got a couple hurs free this afternoon but had a meeting tonight.
I did hear a bit more about joe the sermon was received. Mechanic-wise it was liked altho folks were still "feeling" the prophecy and my ending of telling Mt. 25 sheep & goats from memory. I reminded them we listen to Jesus words within the context of hhis whole life, but yes, they are a good reminder.
I may try it again sometime. I like using visuals but don't usually make it such a big part of the service. As much as I use the iPad during the service now, I think I'd go back to the lap top for a presentation next time. Nicer to have it set up and ready when you go to it. FYI - let me know what you try.

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