Monday Morning Musings

It's a chilly, rainy morning here. I am sitting by a fire, Bach Adagio Christmas music is playing, the Christmas tree is lit, and the coffee is warm and delicious. I am grateful.

No doubt I am working hard. So much going on at the church! Every weekend brings some significant activity. This Sunday the Bishop will visit, and so we have a confirmation retreat planned for Friday night and Saturday day. I am working on collecting some movie clips to show examples of the baptismal covenant being lived out. We'll make communion bread, with each person bringing some of the ingredients. We have a journal to guide us, some of the work will be quiet, reflective writing, some will be group discussion. We'll share a couple of meals. The following week we are hosting a local choir for Lessons and Carols, and then it's Christmas.

We also three people in the hospital, all in serious condition. Actually they are in different hospitals about 30 minutes apart. I've been to the hospital six times in less than two weeks. I'll go again tomorrow.

In the midst of all of this I am trying to re-establish a pattern of self care. It is always so much easier for me to exercise and take care of myself in the summer. I tend to slip in winter - less inclined to go outside in the cold...and not so inclined to adapt my exercise to the indoors. But I am trying to do some core work and yoga every day. I figure even a little bit will be better than nothing. And, then of course, walk the dogs as the weather allows.

That's my week - preparing for confirmation and a Bishop's visit, tending to people in the hospital, and trying to establish a better pattern of self care. But first, I think I will have another cup of coffee, and perhaps read some of the book I have on loan from the library....

What about you? What does your week hold in store?


Di said…
That sounds like a lovely morning-- grounded and cozy in the midst of chaos. I hope the season continues to have these moments for you (and that you continue to find them).
Lisa :-] said…
I am happy to see you busy and happy! My week is going to be centered on decorating my house for Christmas. This year, I'm actually having people over to see it, so I really do have to do something. Got one tree up and a couple more to go.
you are busy! the week? writing. visiting. visiting. visiting. writing. walking dogs. baking cookies on my day off, i hope.

i have such resistance to doing those visits... argh!
Sandi said…
Wow, Terri! I just read your comment on my blog, being "light skinned" and from the heart of rural Indiana, I admit to being very naive in terms of diversity. Would you believe that growing up, the only dark skinned people I saw were on our black/white TV. It wasn't until I went to Purdue that my world was suddenly burst wide opened. Yet, even Purdue was fairly conservative in comparison to many large schools during the mid 70's.

You have given me much to hold. I am curious, what words are you discovering that can hold the idea of not seeing, night....darkness vs seeing....light?

Oh, how much we still have to learn. Thank you for sharing.

Many Blessings ~ Sandi

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