Monday Morning Musings

A week from today I will be on my way to New York City to attend my second United Nations Commission on the Status of Women. Last year I learned a great deal from attending this event and the many paralle events offered by hundreds of NGO's. This year I will offer two workshops as parallel events sponsored by the Episcopal Church Center. Both workshops pertain to the WordsMatter Expansive Language Project.

One workshop is for the young adults who are coming as the Episcopal Delegation of Young Adults to the United Nations. We will spend 5 hours sharing stories and engaging the conversation guide process. (More about the WordsMatter Project go here This, and other articles on the WordsMatter.Episcopal blog discuss the project and the UNCSW). The second workshop will be offered on Thursday, March 1 from 10am to 11:30am and will be open to the public, although regisration is necessary.

For a full listing of all the NGO parallel events offered at the UNCSW go here NGOCSW. The events begin on page 7. The photographs are awesome, and the book gives a fuller picture of how amazing this event really is.

Tomorrow I plan to burn the palms to make ashes. I've purchased a firepit and hope the weather holds to burn them outside without too much complication from the predicted rain and snow mix. It doesn't take long to burn them. I've written a short prayer around the burning of the palms and invited people to come and participate. I have also created a short prayer for blessing the pancake supper which follows the burning of the palms. We've "decorated" the church for Lent and, aside from burning the palms and making ashes, we are ready for Ash Wednesday.

For Lent I plan to follow two Lenten prayer sites: wordsmatter and Ignatian Spiritual Exercises. And we will have a wonderful program at the church, shared with our sister congregation, St. Paul's Lutheran. That's what I'm up too. What about you?


Jan said…
You impress me! All I seem to be doing is exercising my arm and shoulder for rehab.
Terri said…
Jan, surely that is sufficient!
Jan said…
Thanks, Terri.
Lisa :-] said…
Well, let's see... I painted an accent wall in my bedroom, started reading a book called "Western Body, Eastern Mind" (which unfortunately reads like a textbook so it's a giant snooze packed with some useful information) and have tried to remain steadfast in my commitment to walk three miles every day. But my attention span is so short these days, I'm starting to wonder if I have "developed" a raging case of adult ADD...
Jennifer said…
I'm trying to get enthusiastic about Lent. Really, I am.

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