RevGals Friday Five: Empty

Sally, over at the RevGals offers this Friday Five
I have been pondering this Friday Five over and over in my mind, but I am coming up with nothing, so I am wondering; what do you do when you feel empty of all creativity and unable to make/do anything? This is a completely open question, the only rule is name 5 things that fill/ inspire you
1. Reading often inspires me
2. Clergy conferences and other learning opportunities can offer me ways to "fill the well"
3. Walking can stir my thought process when ever I feel blocked
4. Engaging other people and inviting them into the creative process
5. Meditating and spending time in silence often moves me in interesting directions


Robin said…
Terri said…
not really, an introvert with extroverted tendencies nurtured from years of ordained ministry...
Crimson Rambler said…
good morning, Terri! Just thinking of you preparing for next week's trip -- travelling mercies!
Sandy said…
I too enjoy getting feedback from others. I'll have to try taking a walk the next time I need to be inspired. Thanks!
Sally said…
I'm an introvert with extroverted tendencies too, we can confuse people!

Thank you for naming silence and walking!
I too find that conferences etc are creative pools for me.
Oh yes! I could use a conference right now. "Called Back to the Well" was one of the most re-filling I can remember. So very filling (and an extreme introvert, too).
Jan said…
Good thoughts. I'm an introvert who is slowly being expanded in some ways to be more extroverted.
Deb said…
walking meditation is one of my favorite ways to renew my mind and heart!

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