Images of Lent

Close up of the dried sunflower, curly willow in a vase of rocks

Chapel with dried sunflower and curly willow in a vase of rocks

The altar in the Church with rocks, the box (tomb) where we buried the alleluia's, and pussy willow branches in glass vases with rocks

The baptismal font with rocks and a bubbling fountain, reflecting the rocky journey of life and yet, the love of God that bubbles forth in and through life


you creative wonder you! looks good...
Jan said…
These are such great images! My favorite is the baptismal font with rocks and a fountain. Perfect.
Robin said…
Me, too - but they're all wonderful.
Such rich images from the dried sunflowers to the bubbling fountain. Thanks for sharing these.
revkjarla said…
just beautiful.
loving the font of rocks representation...

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