It's Monday Musing, but It's Not THAT Monday..

It's the Monday BEFORE Holy Week. Two Monday's from today it will all be complete - the Holy Week and Easter event! So, it's Monday, but not that Monday....

Today has been a full day. It is my day off but I did to a little "work." I went shopping and bought some plants and decorative items for Holy Week and Easter. I did this today because I had a feeling that the rest of the week, when I have a little free time, would quickly fill up.

And, of course, it has.

We now have a wake on Thursday and a funeral on Friday.

I suspected this was coming because on Friday a parishioner went into hospice. That day I drove out to the hospital where I prayed the prayers for the dying for this beloved parishioner. Thankfully this person did not linger long, was at peace, and well cared for. But, my not so busy week before Holy Week has just become busy. (Thank goodness I did that shopping today).

But honestly, it is my privilege to celebrate the life of this parishioner and all that this person was to this community. A real delight back in the day! And as someone who was 91 years old, and married in the church 60 some odd years ago, a person with a long history in this church. We will celebrate well! This person's spouse died shortly after I arrived here, a mere nine months ago. And so we may do the same service - same readings and all. Or not, we'll see... Two beloved saints, loved in this church, rejoined in the life here after. May they rest in peace, rest in God's love.

I do have work to do on the worship services for Palm Sunday, the Triduum (Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and the Great Vigil) and Easter Day. I mean, I have already done a lot of work, but all of the services need some finishing touches. Plus I am rewriting the Stations of the Cross for Good Friday, two versions - one for kids and one for adults. So tonight, as I watch The Voice and Smash, I will be tweaking the Stations. I will ponder the phrases and words, theology....I hope that the words will speak into the reality of the world we live in today.....a world that is twisted and broken by the ways we carry prejudice, hatred, fear, sexism, but try to bury them under a false sense of "politically correct." (although frankly, What does that mean?  - these days the political rhetoric is horrid.)

So finishing up some deep soul work. A funeral for someone I love. And some writing for Holy Week, about someone who loves me, and, you.

That's my week. What about yours?


Unknown said…
I've got this Sunday all ready (I mean, completely, since it's a dramatic reading and even the bulletin is done), but I'm doing something completely new for Maundy Thursday and have nothing on paper. That worries me.
But I didn't work on it today. :-)
Terri said…
Yay for your work, Martha. With any luck I will be there soon!
Lisa :-] said…
The beach. Rocks. Rain. Robins. and Crows.
locked in the liturgi-cave, but really wanting to shop for a new suit for easter... as if the important thing is what i'm wearing... *sigh* but truly everything in the closet is black, or gray, or a tweedy mixture of the two... where's the color?

be good to yourself my friend.
Rev Dr Mom said…
We're on course for getting the Holy Week bulletins done, and thanks to my wonderful parish secretary, the details are falling into place. I've had some other irons in the fire, too, and some still smoking so to speak, but today I hired a new organist and couldn't be more excited about that! She starts May 1.

I would love to see your stations of the cross if you don't mind sharing them. I have used a children's stations of the cross from Liturgy for the Whole Church by Susan Bock which are great, but this year I'm doing something on foot washing and the Last Supper with the kids. We use the stations from the Book of Occasional Services for adults, but I'm kind of over them, at least for now.

My daughter and her family are coming this weekend, so I need to get my Palm Sunday sermon written before Saturday!
Terri said…
RevDrMom, I'll share the stations when I have them finished. Not content yet...gave them to the Preschool teacher to read through. The challenge is having some kids who are 3 years old and some who will 11 or so - very different ages...and I want to give them some current every day life context - sigh...

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