Monday Morning Musings

Last week was crazy busy. I returned from my trip to New York City and the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women, with a cold. The cold went from annoying to terrible. And yet I had so much work I had to do. Last Monday a tour group came to our church. 87 people on a day long "Historic House of Worship" tour. I had to be present to greet them and talk about our church.

Tuesday I had worship and two classes on our Lenten book, "Speaking of Sin" by Barbara Brown Taylor. So far the conversations around this book have been amazingly fruitful and engaging.

Wednesday I had my annual doctor's appointment with a fasting blood draw. Later that night we had our Lenten program at the parish, shared with the Lutheran church. Thursday I hosted the Bishop and a group of local clergy participating in "Fresh Start." Friday we had our picture taken for the new photo directory. Saturday I had to write a sermon. And Sunday was the time change and a full day of work.

This week will be just as busy, but at least my cold is gone. I was faithful in my use of Zicam, Airborne, and supplements of zinc, calcium, and B-complex.

It's a rainy day here but the rest of the week should be unseasonally Spring like. According to the weather "records" this kind of warm winter and early Spring comes about once a decade. But I still think global warming is at play.

Tuesday will be a local clericus meeting, then that night a book study group discussion. Our Lenten program on Wednesday will host Sybil MacBeth for "Praying In Color" - it will be delightful, I just hope a lot of people come. Thursday is a vestry meeting.Then, I plan to see Marcus Borg at a local congregation on Friday night and Saturday morning.

So. That's my week...what about yours?


it always makes my head spin to consider schedules in other places... the pace here is, well it is what it is.

sermon writing today and cleaning house, top to bottom. tuesday also a clergy group meeting; plus 2 shutin calls; wed liturgi-cave and worship, a couple of surgical calls; thurs i get to read a story at the elementary school (so excited to do that!), and friday... well who knows by then what will happen!

dog walking... every. single. day. maybe twice, since here too it will be in the 70s all week long! hooray!
Robin said…
I can't wait to read more about your language project.

Trying to rest and work quietly at home after a similarly way too busy week. All day clergy meeting tomorrow, committee meeting Wednesday, friend's 65th birthday Wednesday night. All of which means hours and hours of driving. Many services in the next few weeks to prepare for; a lot of writing as well as driving.

And our dog of almost 15 years is about at the end, so there is a difficult decision in the immediate future. Well, the decision is obvious; the timing is not yet clear.

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