Praying In Color

The weather is unseasonably warm, but since the redwing black birds and robins have returned, it seems that Spring is here. As I walked the dogs this afternoon I delighted in the possibility of a real Spring. In this part of the Midwest a real Spring is rare. Usually we have rain, cold, rain and then sun and hot summer. And I know it is only March so we could easily get a major snow storm. But for now it seems that we are having a proper Spring, with birds and flowers and temperatures that are just right.

We are into the third week of our Lenten Series which we are calling: "Kindling the Fire - Igniting Our Prayer Life". We are sharing this series with a near by Lutheran Church, each taking turns hosting the soup supper and the program. Tonight we learned to pray in color. This is a really delightful prayer form "created" by Sybil MacBeth who wrote the book "Praying In Color." She and her husband are in the area for a while and so we were blessed to be able to have her with us in person. Sybil is delightful, playful. And, she has a dance background, as do I, so I appreciate her invitations to move in our seats as we prepare to pray. We spent the evening in quiet prayer, lifting up in our words on paper, and the doodles in color, a number of people who need prayer. I appreciated the chance to just sit, pray, and play. Very Spring-like Lenten night.

This day reminds me that there is much to take delight in. I know that all around are challenges and struggles. I stand just this side of my own journey through the bleakness of the desert. I haven't forgotten. But, neither am I in that dismal place. Life has come full circle. Spring is here, and Easter is just around the corner.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


Lisa :-] said…
I am blessed that you are blessed! Reading about your wonderful spring took me, for a moment, out of my miserable one.
Gaye said…
Once more I am fascinated by the oppositeness of our seasons. This morning I watched the swallows and bee-eaters gather for their migration to Europe and felt the faint nip in the air. It is proving to be a lovely time and it made me smile to come in and discover that you are in a beautiful spring too.

Blessings on your days.

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