RevGals Friday Five: Holy Week

Mary Beth over at RevGals offers this Friday Five:
Holy Week is upon us.

Realizing that most of our readers are clergy, and that clergy don't necessarily have the opportunity to fully worship when they are responsible for leading (creating, writing, facilitating) worship:
I invite you to share five favorite Holy Week things, five things that are truly worshipful for you. It may be that it's the way they are done in your congregation (or were done in a previous one). It may be your personal preparation for certain services or observances.

Breathe. Be still. Look to the week ahead, and Holy Weeks past, and imagine the worship.

I love Holy Week - from Palm Sunday, the Triduum, and Easter. I love the intensity of the week and the focus on who we are as Christians - it's our story of faith. It's our story made new each year. But that said there are a couple of things I love the most:

1. the footwashing on Maundy Thursday

2. the all night vigil that follows the Maundy Thursday service - praying over the consecrated bread and wine in a garden of plants, the bread and wine which will be consumed on Good Friday. I love the all night prayer - I love to come and pray about 1am.

3. The way the church changes it's look and feel through out the week, symbolizing the events.

4. The drama of Good Friday and the Great Vigil

5. Coloring Easter Eggs with the little kids on the afternoon of Good Friday.

And, mostly, singing this hymn as we strip the altar on Maundy Thursday.

Thr contents on this blog, photos and written material, unless others cited, belong to mompriest, and cannot be used by others without permission.


glad i checked in once again to find your lovely reflections.. TY for sharing your unique worship and the beautiful song ~
Before going to seminary I organized a 24 hour prayer vigil from after Good Friday service until we gathered for the Holy Saturday Service. It really was a labor of love as there were 5 or 6 different for prayer. There is something holy about being in the church at 2 am...praying
Sally said…
love that song, and the Easter Vigil, be blessed.
Dim Lamp said…
I too like that hymn, we Lutherans sing it to a different tune though. Even so, I enjoyed this rendition.

Dim Lamp
river song said…
oh, I love "love to the loveless shown; that they might lovely be; and who am I, that for my sake, my Lord should take frail flesh and die..." and I'm right there with you on the drama of Good Friday and Easter Vigil--I anticipate it all year long. thanks and peace!
Pastor Joelle said…
I LOVE "My Song is love unknown. ALL the verses!
Robin said…
Things new to me here - thank you!
Terri said…
It really is a perfect hymn for this week, in my estimation.

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