Friday Five

Sally, over at RevGals offers this Friday Five - a quick one!

 1.What has encouraged you? I have been searching, or actually yearning, for a new Spiritual Director for sometime - every since I left my long time SD in Arizona. Yesterday I had my first session with the woman who I think will be my new SD. I'm excited to begin the journey. It's always good to have someone to companion with and help process life. After some fourteen years with one person and three years without an SD, it's good to get back on track!

2. What has inspired you? I'm reading Joan Chittister, "Called to Question" and am appreciating the way she articulates the "Spiritual/Religious" paradigm. It's provoking me to think somethings through for myself. (See previous posts, and please comment if you are inclined, I am curious what others think).

3. What has challenged you? I have some unbloggable stuff going on in my personal life which needs my attention, a reminder that once a parent, always a parent.

4. What has made you smile? I am excited about the baptism on Sunday - a parishioner family who came to church last summer, then disappeared (because they moved an hour away), but wants to have their baby baptized at our church. I'm so glad to see them again and look forward to this time!

Also, our garden is beginning to really take shape - I have broccoli heads on the plants, ate lettuce from my garden in my salad last night, and am about to plant beans and cucumbers. I just love having a garden!

5. What has brought a lump to your throat or a tear to you eye in a good way? Can't say that anything has done this, at least not so far....


Oh, yes, yes, yes to having a spiritual director.

thanks for the nod to the Chittister book...I am headed to check it out. I have always bristled at having that statement be an either/or...
Muthah+ said…
I am envious of your garden. I can't garden here but may I do it vicariously in yours?
Terri said…
oh Muthah+ yes! You may participate in virtual gardening with me! I'll do all the hands on work and you cheer me on! I'll share photos. - alas the produce would probably wilt if I shipped any to I'm not sure but Texas may have laws against interstate produce shipping - Michigan does.
lettuce of your own growing? lovely thought... enjoy :)
and the baptism - honouring to return to you - blessings !
and another book challenging entry as i was this week ..
great to have a SD possibility ~
prayers for the parenting...
Sally said…
love that you are loving having a garden... hope the Baptism is a blessing for all :-)
river song said…
how wonderful about the family returning for the baptism and, of course, gardens forever!!!
Sherry Peyton said…
Oh I would so like a spiritual director again. It helps so much in defining where you are and where you want to go. And kudos to the garden. I hope we can have a small raised bed or two when we get moved. A bit late for this year, but we might manage a bit. I can feel the peace in your voice and am so happy for you Terri.
Jan said…
So glad you found a SD. I haven't had one for such a long time, colored by the abrupt disagreeable parting of the last one. . . . Books seem to be advising me. I've liked your posts about Chittister's book. As a parent, I always seem to have to go back to "Bless ---, change me."
Terri said…
FHCT - growing our lettuce is delightful! Had some in a salad last night....and will have more later this weekend.

Sherry - agree!

Jan - thanks, I feel really out in left field with the Chittister inspired posts because very few people, if any, comment. Leaves me wondering how my thoughts intersect with others or am I just so far out there or just a bad writter? Welll, regardless. THanks!
Jan said…
Okay, Terri, I'll try to comment much more often!!

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