Sunday afternoon

What a week - three funerals. I officiated at three funerals this week, that makes four for the month of June. There is the potential for one more funeral, as yet another parishioner faces the end of life reality....

But, not only, what a week. What a month! It began with the Jazz Eucharist - a "regular" Sunday service but with all the music and musical settings lead by a Jazz quartet and to jazz rhythms. Oh, that was fun! A month of pot-lucks and church picnics, and dinner parties, of a week long interfaith seminar, Father's Day, summer worship services, preparing for General Convention, end of the year meetings with diocesan clergy groups....just simply a lot. A lot all compressed into one month.

Oh well, it's all good.

I have also taken on, with some regular diligence, an exercise routine. I try to alternate weights, aerobic, bike riding, and yoga, across the days and week. It feels good to exercise! But that has certainly added to my busyness.

Today, after church, I walked out to the garden. I have hardly had a chance to check it out. My broccoli is prolific, but the flowers were beginning to open - little yellow flowers - so when I eat it some of it will be actual flower. That's ok. My brussel sprouts are slowly forming,, looks like I will have a decent crop. Tomatoes are coming forth, zucchini, cucumbers, beans and bell peppers - all coming along.I've harvested the last of the lettuce - how fun to eat lettuce from my garden! But the cauliflower remains just leaves. No flower. Weird...

So. Now I'm going to make a homemade pizza, crust and all. I think I'll make two - one with pepperoni and one with basil and fresh tomato. Yum.

Here's to giving thanks to summer and all the joys and delights that come from the season....busy or not, I love the season.


Diane M. Roth said…
I know how you feel. I have another funeral next week. I have stopped counting.
Sherry Peyton said…
Oh I miss having a garden. Next year we will have one with raised beds, at least to grow some tomatoes. I have a pretty good (I think its terrific, lol) pizza crust on my food website: The side bar has indexes for specific recipes areas. Sounds like you are having a good summer. I am walking every day, and swimming three times a week and feeling great these days. Blessings to you Terri.
Wendy said…
Homemade pizza, Yum!

Good for u on the exercise routine. I'm trying to get back into it, too. I should try alternating exercises.
Lisa :-] said…
Your life sounds like a much more busy and successful version of what I have been trying to accomplish (with the exception of officiating at funerals...) My garden is small, my exercise routine lacks focus, and I enjoy pizza but I don't make my own! Happy Summer!
homemade pizza... yum!

hope you find some time for yourself... to renew your depleted energy supply inner and outward.

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