Friday Five: Packing, no rats thank you very much.....

 Deb, over at the RevGals, offers this Friday Five in response to a week of packing college bound and otherwise moving daughters:

1. Are you a sorter or a pack rat? What I mean by that is, do you select what you are taking with you (on a trip, a new assignment, a vacation), or do you pack with abandon (overweight suitcases be damned!)  I sort. I usually take a lot but I still sort, eliminate, make a list, double check, and try to plan for weather variables. I also always take my pillow and yoga mat - so that means a bigger than otherwise necessary suitcase.

2. Who first helped you learn how to pack? Or did you just come into it by osmosis or natural gifting  (and need)? My family moved a lot when I was kid. Usually we had a moving company come in and pack us up and move us. I learned a lot from watching them. I've moved a lot as an adult too...and much as I don't like to move, I am pretty good at it. The real test was moving ourselves back to the Midwest from the Southwest. We packed up the entire house, including all of our art, my husband's grandmother's china, etc. and loaded it on the biggest truck we could rent, then ended up putting it all in storage for a year. Then a moving company loaded it all up and moved it here. I was worried about our art work and few other items, certain that something got crushed. When we unpacked, nothing was broken.

3. What's your favorite kind of suitcase? Duffle? Soft-side? Wheels? (I am personally a fan of my "expanding zipper" wheelie suitcases. Saved my bacon on many a return trip home!) I always use a wheelie suitcase. As a birthday present last year I got a matching three set: gigantic, large carry-on (too large for some of the smaller planes); and a satchel that attaches to the wheelies.

4. Do you have that "packing gene" -- or do you pack and cram what you need into every available space? I am not as methodical as some when it comes to precise rolling and organizing in the suitcase, but I do manage to get a lot in a bag....of course having a kindle helps with the weight and the volume by reducing the number of books I take.

5. What's one thing you've learned in traveling, packing or storing your belongings that you think everyone should know? Life is an adventure that often times requires fortitude, make sure you know where to get a good cup of coffee to sustain you along the way.


RevAlli said…
Whoa--what a gamble leaving everything in storage for a year. So glad nothing was broken.
altar ego said…
Although I'm a good packer I also learned things from watching how the "experts" pack. I'm glad that your year in storage didn't end unhappily, as can too often be the case. Glad you're in a place where you can stay for a while!
glad for the happy unpacking!
yes, those beverage kiosks are def travel blessings...
HapPy Friday Terri!
Deb said…
Fun play - yes, I moved a lot through my teen years, but I didn't seem to catch on to the sort/pack/less is more idea. I'm getting better, but still not THAT great at it.

Raising a skinny mocha latte to you on this lovely Friday! ;)
Muthah+ said…
Wish I could be so organized. But I tend to be a minimalist when I travel. I love trying to figure out how to make my wardrobe match everything I take. Black jacket, black pants, mix and match blouses for all occasions.

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