Friday Five: short and, well, short.

 RevKarla, over at the RevGals offers this Friday Five - heading toward Easter!

1.  What is your favorite Easter candy? Jelly beans, but real flavors not the cheap bad tasting red one's, if you know what I mean.

2.  Do you have an Easter memory from childhood to share, then please do.  Or any Easter memory. When I was about three or four I remember attending Easter morning services at the Tabernacle at Temple Square in Salt Lake City. My mother, brother, and grandmother were there. I was wearing a very frilly dress, hat, and gloves. The entire service, in my memory, was the Mormon Tabernacle Choir singing.

3.  Speaking of, what your most favorite day of the past two weeks been?  Why? Can't say that I have had a favorite day, too many parish deaths and other crud going on. However, with the spring weather, most days have included a dog walk - and that is always a favorite part of my day, especially when the weather is beautiful.

4.  I am kind of digging’ Chipotle’s sofritos these days (marinated and “shredded” tofu) and have been eating them like twice a week.  Is there something new in your life that keeps bringing you back for more?  (be ye creative here…) Not really. Unless one considers my almost year long practice of yoga, 4-5 times a week. I keep going back for THAT.

5.  Of course, a sentence. Using the following words (or some form thereof):  Tree frog, squares, kleenex, eyeglass, lost, daffodil, palms, lamb, Peeps, licorice jelly beans, and donkey. If I could find my lost eyeglasses through the chaos of daffodils and palms, lambs and tree frogs, I'd take a square of kleenex, clean the glasses, and then sit on a donkey and eat licorice jelly beans. (and all would be right with the world)


Elaine said…
Your "winter" has been so many ways. Here's to some of those daffodils and jelly beans perking up your landscape.
janintx said…
I enjoyed your Easter memory, especially because my youngest daughter is living in Salt Lake City for five years (going to grad school)--and I can imagine you and your family there. Hoping you can experience some peace during this busy, hectic and emotional time.
revkarla said…
Fun! And you go, YogaWoman! I get the thought on QUALITY jellybeans.
3dogmom said…
Love your sentence, especially the part about all being right with the world. I hope your Eastertide is filled with light after the somber reality of Lent.
hotcuplutheran said…
ah when you're quiet I assume there's busy-ness and crud afoot! rats!!! hope things level out... I'll pass the jelly beans your way and some good blueberry tea from the cupboard. :)

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