RevGals Friday Five: Better Late Than Never

RevKarla over at the RevGals offers this Friday Five:

1.  What is your favorite bird, and why? Oh my, I love all birds and delight in the variety we get at our bird feeder: cardinals, blue jays, yellow finch, sparrows, robins, red wing black birds, woodpeckers...among the usual. Quail are pretty awesome, too, although they are more of a western bird.

[caption id="attachment_2762" align="aligncenter" width="300"]photo by Terri, baby quail all in a line... photo by Terri, baby quail all in a line...[/caption]



2.  What are you most forgettable about?  (insert “forgetful” where I wrote forgettable). Oh, well...I "forget" to clean my house.....and recently I keep forgetting to reschedule the dentist appointment that was cancelled....maybe I'll do that today...

3.  Which do you like better, sunrises or sunsets? Both - but I prefer to wake up to an early sunrise, more than I prefer a later sunset. I am not a fan of Daylight Savings, because really who are we kidding, there is just as much daylight regardless, and I prefer the morning daylight.

[caption id="attachment_2385" align="aligncenter" width="300"]Photo by Terri, sunrise Escalante, Utah Photo by Terri, sunrise Escalante, Utah[/caption]


[caption id="attachment_2367" align="aligncenter" width="300"]Photo by Terri: Sunset, Arizona Photo by Terri: Sunset, Arizona[/caption]

4.  What ever happened to Grape Soda? Gosh, right? I wonder....although I never drink soda or pop or carbonated beverages....but as a kid, pretty sure I loved the grape stuff...

5.  Use these words in a sentence:  U-turn sign, bat, mouse, cerulean blue, late. The mouse, upon seeing the bat flying through the cerulean blue sky, took it as a sign to make a late u-turn back to its nest.


revkarla said…
Awesome play, Terri! Very fun. xoxo!
luv the sentence =) and gorgeous photos ! - looking forward to seeing some of those sunsets come sept/nov - pursuing Hesychia spiritual direction formation in tucson & super excited!
FHCT - oh you will love the training, I've heard good things about that group. Where is the training being held? My favorite retreat center is the Desert House of Prayer, on the west end of Tucson, in the Painted Rocks mountains.

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